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General Discussion / Re: ISPM15 Audit critera / guidelines
« Last post by MichaelM on May 30, 2017, 10:19:18 AM »
APHIS (Agricultural Pant Health Inspection Service) is the US agency that oversees the ISPM program.  I know, we al thought an aphis was an insect a few years ago.

APHIS, in turn, delegates the implementation to the ALSC (American Lumber Standards Committee).

Grading agencies, such as WCLIB or WCLIB, get their authority to issue grade stamps from the ALSC.
Therefore, your grading agency is the go to organization. They will issue the authority for you to use the HT stamp.
Dry Kiln Control / New float style wet bulbs
« Last post by TILLAMOOK on May 30, 2017, 08:05:37 AM »
New float style wet bulbs: is a flow meter still needed?
  • No, not if they are working correctly.  Although there may be a benefit of a visual flow indicator and an individual shut off per wet bulb
Drying Defects / Re: Agressive Schedules?
« Last post by DrykilnsMan on May 23, 2017, 10:23:34 AM »
Make sure your not running out of control, i.e. vents fully open & current wet bulb set points not being achieved. Same goes for dry bulb set points.
Training / Events / 5-day Kiln Drying Seminar - October 16-20, 2017
« Last post by UBCcawp on May 23, 2017, 09:57:14 AM »
UBC - Centre for Advanced Wood Processing will be hosting a comprehensive, hands-on workshop on drying technology.  This highly regarded workshop discusses the key processes and concepts involved in drying wood.  Beginning with wood properties and moisture movement, students will become familiar with kiln design considerations, drying schedules and kiln loading considerations.  Other topics include drying with air, drying degrade, lumber storage and handling, control systems and power plants. 
For more information, please visit our website at  or contact Jason Chiu @

UBC- Centre for Advanced Wood Processing
2900-2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC
Tel: 604 822-0082
General Discussion / ISPM15 Audit critera / guidelines
« Last post by HencoV on May 12, 2017, 01:03:20 PM »
Does anyone here know where I can get hold of the actual ISPM15 audit guidelines that must be adhered to before a heat treatment facility can be certified to comply with the standard? Our government department that is supposed to do this cannot provide such a document, keep shifting the goal posts and keep and keep asking for ridiculous achievements to be accomplished...honestly..the inspector cannot tell the difference between a temperature probe and football.

My understanding is that is must be proven that the core temperature of the timber must be measured and recorded at 56 Deg C or above for 30 consecutive uninterrupted minutes.  Our inspectors are asking for up to 12 probes at different positions in the kiln of 7 x 4 meters holding less than 10 cubic meters....?

Please assist..

Planning for a Spring Meeting is under way!  We have tentatively set a date of Saturday, June 3 for a meeting in North Plains, Oregon (just a few miles North of Hillsboro).  You can expect a tour of the kilns at Oregon-Canadian Forest Products following a technical session and hosted lunch.  Further details will be posted here as arrangements are confirmed, and a formal meeting notice will be sent during the first half of May.

Click here for more information
General Discussion / Dry Bulb & Wet bulb hygrometer or RH/EMC Probe for control
« Last post by HencoV on May 03, 2017, 08:51:37 AM »
Hi Guys,

I have always had some reservations about using RH/EMC probes instead of Wet Bulbs for control. This, in my opinion is probably because the controls I came across that uses RH/EMC control was very slow to react, and "over vented" from an early stage in drying. I suspect it was a lack of proper understanding of the programmer on the effect of RH on venting and energy usage. put my own internal conflict at rest, I decided to run some tests

I'm busy running a comparison in one of our kilns using both Wet Bulb, as well as RH probe for control purposes to try and establish the best way forward.  I'll will post my findings here in a month or so.

In the mean time:What are your views, pros & cons of each of these technologies. From a control and accuracy point of view, which would you rate best? Share your experience please
Training / Events / Southeastern Dry Kiln Club - Spring Meeting
« Last post by admin on May 02, 2017, 08:34:29 AM »

WHEN:           Thursday, June 8 - Friday, June 9, 2017

WHERE:         Technical Session at Holiday Inn Express, 1350 W Atlantic St, Emporia, VA
SEDKC Sponsored Dinner at Carolina BBQ & Chicken, Emporia, VA
Virginia Carolina Forest Products, Lawrenceville, VA
Ontario Hardwoods, Keysville, VA
Planning for the 2017 Spring Meeting is nearly complete. 

Thursday - June 8, 2017
1:00 PM Technical Session

•   Wood-Destroying Beetles - a Boring Subject, by Mike Waldvogel, NC State University, Raleigh, NC.
•   Thermally Treated Wood: Properties and Process, by Dan Mathews, SII Dry Kilns, Lexington, NC
•   Hygroscopic Issues of Installed Hardwood Flooring, by David Paal, Premier Flooring, Gainesville, GA

4:00 Troubleshooting Q & A Roundtable
4:30 Southeastern Dry Kiln Club Business Meeting
6:00 Dinner at the Carolina BBQ & Chicken, 1395 Skippers Rd, Emporia, VA
Sponsored by the Southeastern Dry Kiln Club
Friday - June 9, 2017
Plant Tours

•   Tour #1 - Virginia Carolina Forest Products, Lawrenceville, VA
•   Tour #2 - Ontario Hardwoods, Keysville, VA

Meeting will adjourn from Ontario Hardwoods.

REGISTRATION: To preregister download the registration form (click here).   Cutoff date to register is May 31st.  The registration fee is $30 per person.  This includes the meeting space and dinner.   There is no registration fee for spouses (or significant other) of members, or retired and lifetime members.  Please prepay by sending a check payable to the Southeastern Dry Kiln Club to Phil Mitchell, NC State University, Campus Box 8003, Raleigh, NC  27695-8003.  You can either FAX the completed form to (919-515-6302) or let Phil Mitchell (at 919-515-5581 or know you are coming so that we can plan the dinner. You can still pay (cash or check) at the door, but it makes our job easier if you pay-in-advance. 
HOTEL: The meeting hotel where we will have dinner is the HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS, 1350 W. Atlantic St., Emporia, VA 23847.  The hotel's phone number is (434) 336-9999.  You must make your own hotel reservations if you plan to attend.  Ask for the SE DRY KILN CLUB rate of $103.00 per room per night plus tax.  The hotel cutoff date to get this special rate is May 20th.   Please make your hotel reservations now so you are not left without a room. 
This message will also be posted on the SEDKC website.


If you signed up last year as an SEDKC member and received the 2016 SEDKC membership directory your name and company details will carry over to the 2017 SEDKC Membership Directory unless you update it or let me know that I need to delete it.  Remember, there is no cost to be an SEDKC member.  Those who have not joined can sign up now for the 2017 SEDKC Membership Directory.  Simply fill out the form and tell us about your lumber drying equipment and capacity.  If you do not dry lumber but have an interest in lumber drying, you can still be a member...if you fill out the form.

To reach the membership form go to
Moisture Variability / New Logs vs. Older Logs
« Last post by TILLAMOOK on April 24, 2017, 09:33:37 AM »
New logs versus older logs:  How does your mill deal with this?  Separate out?
Training / Events / NEKDA 2017 SPRING MEETING
« Last post by admin on April 17, 2017, 10:24:33 AM »
  • 2017 Spring Meeting Program (click pdf)
  • 2017 Spring Meeting Registration (click pdf)
  • 2017 Membership Dues - Please download the 2017 NEKDA Membership Renewal (pdf)
  • NEKDA Bill Rice Achievement Award (pdf) and Jim Catterick Industrial Award (pdf)
  • Holiday Inn, 308 North Comrie Ave., Johnstown, NY 12095 call 518/762-4686; NEKDA special rate $105

For more information, registration or tour info click here

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