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Author Topic: Pre-Dryer sheds for SYP timbers (4x4's)  (Read 21989 times)

Offline Gilman Blackshear,Ga

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Pre-Dryer sheds for SYP timbers (4x4's)
« on: November 15, 2012, 04:53:46 AM »
Does anyone on here have experience or recommendation for pre-drying of SYP. One of our mills runs about 30% 4x4's. When they do this the overall production is reduced because of kilns. The thought was to put up a pre-dry shed. I'm thinking that rough green would go into this pre-dry shed for a certain amount of time then the same lumber would go into dry kilns. Is that sound thinking? I've also heard people say go to kiln first then to the pre-dryer, (that doesn't make sence to me, to me pre-dryer means before kiln) for final drying.
Any suggestions?

Offline GeorgeCulp

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Re: Pre-Dryer sheds for SYP timbers (4x4's)
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2012, 05:04:17 PM »
Are you talking about just putting 4x4's in a shed (so they won't get rained on??) and let them sit for a while and air dry and then put in the kiln or... are you talking about a fan shed? A fan shed has fans in one end and pulls air through the stacks giving you sort of high speed air drying.

The biggest problem with a shed with no fans is that if you have more than two columns deep you're going to get a considerable variation in how much air drying occurs based on position in the shed.

If you're just going to put green lumber in a shed to keep it out of the rain then I don't think you'll be happy with the situation that occurs.

If you're planning a fan shed, to me, the ideal would a fan shed that held a kiln charge in volume such that rotating your stock would be easy.

Offline Gilman Blackshear,Ga

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Re: Pre-Dryer sheds for SYP timbers (4x4's)
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2012, 06:02:25 AM »

thanks for responding George.
Yes , a shed that includes fans. The thinking was also that it be sized for a complete kiln charge.



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