If you have a KD-19 stamp your maximum MC allowed is 19%. Your question is what should you want your target moisture to be based on 95% of the boards
being below 19%? This depends on the variability you have in your drying, or what we will call your standard deviation. Bending a couple of statistical rules for
95% of your boards being at or below 19% with a 3% standard deviation the target should be 19%-(3%x1.645) or 14.1%, for a standard deviation of 3.5% it
is 19%-(3.5%x1.645) or 13.2% and for a 4% it is 19%-(4%x1.645) or 12.4.2%. Variation when drying SYP at high temps is highly variable, often increasing as the average
increases. At this point you are probably unhappy with my answer. In most cases, when high temperature drying SYP and the standard deviations I see, we need to keep
our average around 13 to 14% so we do not have too many wet pieces.
What I'm saying probably contradicts what you have heard from other individuals as far as when to pull your lumber. But think of the dollar cost of the wet pieces that need
redrying or put in the #4 sort and mold issues. Thus you have to work on drying uniformity, get all of your inputs as constant as possible, lumber entering MC, airflow,
heat distribution etc. Also to counteract the lower MC I'm suggesting stacking and top weights become critical.