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Author Topic: Balancing Final EMC Target and Planer MC Target  (Read 31284 times)

Offline TimothyD

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Balancing Final EMC Target and Planer MC Target
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:55:46 AM »
Per this main topic, I was wondering where the trade-offs are in initially over-drying wood and having post production equilization cause further degrade.  From the main topic, "Ideally, wood is dried to that equilibrium moisture content as will later (in service) be attained by the wood. Thus, further dimensional change will be kept to a minimum."  It seems there is an issue with wood further degrading during the final in-service EMC equilization phase.  The main topic suggests one should attempt to dry down close to this final EMC, but then of course, there will be much more intiial degrade that targeting a higher planer taget MC value.  How does one factor in the subsequent degrade of a higher kiln target with that of intial degrade with a lower one?



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