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  • Southeastern Dry Kiln Fall Meeting: November 08, 2018 - November 09, 2018

Author Topic: Southeastern Dry Kiln Fall Meeting  (Read 17482 times)

Offline admin

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Southeastern Dry Kiln Fall Meeting
« on: October 02, 2018, 09:55:26 AM »
Hold the Date for the Fall 2018 Meeting of the Southeastern Dry Kiln Club

Don't forget to register for the Fall Meeting of the Southeastern Dry Kiln Club. The technical session will be hosted and a tour will be given by Jordan Lumber Company.  Jordan Lumber is a modern pine sawmill that has continuous kilns that measure moisture content during drying.  You need to come and see how this system works! We will also tour the Mohawk fiberboard plant located nearby.  The complete agenda is listed below.  The special hotel rate is guaranteed for reservations made through October 18 (see below).

FALL 2018 MEETING (Overview)
WHEN:           Thursday, Nov. 8 - Friday, Nov. 9, 2018
WHERE:         Technical Session at Jordan Lumber Human Resource Building,
                        located at 1939 NC-109, Mt. Gilead, NC 27306
Tour #1 - Jordan Lumber, Mt. Gilead, NC
Tour #2 - Mohawk Industries, Mt. Gilead, NC

Thursday - November 8, 2018
1:00 PM Technical Session
•   KDS Windsor System for Measuring Moisture Content in Continuous Dry Kilns,
 Rob Girardi, Kiln Drying Systems and Components, Hendersonville, NC.
•   Moisture Measurement and Data Analysis,
 Ron Smith, Wagner Meters, Rogue River, OR.
•   USNR Moisture Measurement System During Drying,
 Mike Sanders, USNR-Irvington Moore, Jacksonville, FL.
4:00 Troubleshooting Q & A Roundtable
 - Bring your drying problem examples
4:30 Southeastern Dry Kiln Club Business Meeting
6:00 Dinner - The Tillery Tradition Country Club, 214 Tradition Dr., Mt. Gilead, NC 27306                Dinner is sponsored by the Southeastern Dry Kiln Club
Friday - November 9, 2018
Please bring your PPE (hardhat, safety glasses, earplugs) if available.
•   Tour #1 - Jordan Lumber, Mt. Gilead, NC
•   Tour #2 - Mohawk Industries, Mt. Gilead, NC
Meeting will adjourn from Tour #2

For more information or to register click here

REGISTRATION:  To preregister download the registration form (click here).   Cutoff date to register is November 2nd.  The registration fee is $40 per person.  This includes the dinner.  There is no registration fee for spouses (or significant other) of members, or retired and lifetime members.  Please prepay by sending a check payable to the Southeastern Dry Kiln Club and mail it to Phil Mitchell (, NC State University, Campus Box 8003, Raleigh, NC  27695-8003.  You can either FAX the completed form to (919-515-6302) or email the form to Phil Mitchell ( to let us know you are coming so that we can plan the dinner. You can still pay (cash or check) at the door, but it makes our job easier if you pay-in-advance. 
HOTEL: The meeting hotel will be the HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS AND SUITES, 500 Leonard Avenue, Albemarle, North Carolina.  The hotel's phone number is (704) 986-2100.  You must make your own hotel reservations if you plan to attend.  Ask for the DRY KILN CLUB rate of $99.00 per room per night plus tax.  The hotel cutoff date to get this special rate is October 18, 2018.   Please make your hotel reservations now so you are not left without a room. 

« Last Edit: October 17, 2018, 12:13:45 PM by admin »



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