I am passionate about timber drying and currently busy with research towards obtaining my Masters degree in Wood technology - specializing on Eucalyptus drying. I work as a drying and automation consultant, and also run my own micro sawing and drying operation / working laboratory where I saw and dry out ± 12500 board feet / 30 m3 of Eucalyptus saligna per month with a narrow band mill and self developed hybrid solar kiln....from live tree to 12% MC in under 10 days.
I hold a Bachelors degree in Wood technology from the Nelson Mandela Metro University - RSA, an Advanced diploma in Industrial automation - EIT Australia and am a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer.
Enjoy the articles, though based on my view of the South African scenario, it could make for interesting reading ..any comments welcome, positive or negative!
Apologies for posting the text only file...the original that was in WoodSA Magazine's January 2013 issue was to big to upload